Our Lucid Dreams.


“Brain Chemical Fuel Tank”

I was at a music concert. The speed was exhilarating as I flew for what seemed like 400m in a curving trajectory at around 60-70 kms per hour, with very clear vision.  All of a sudden, I felt myself slowing and realized my brain chemical flying fuel was spent. In the end, I tried one levitation of just a few meters and couldn't even manage it - my flying fuel tank was empty. I found it interesting that whatever this brain chemical lucid-flying fuel is, it certainly seems to be in limited supply.


“Lucid Eye Experiments”

I was lucid-dreaming and looking at my own reflection in the mirror. I was able to change the color of my eyes at will. I asked for blue eyes and then it happened. I was able to play around with the intensity, expression and look of my eyes. This was a very enjoyable, creative, fun astral practice.